
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

We offer ongoing service opportunities, as well as one-time service projects.  This information is updated throughout the year based on what service opportunities are available.
We host three Community Blood Center blood drives each year. Blood is always needed to save lives in our community. Donate blood and safe a life!
We serve on the 3rd Saturday of the month at Shawnee Community Services in their food pantry, stocking the shelves and packing food boxes. This is a great way for families to serve together. The minimum age to serve is 16 years old.
We are collecting canned soup, canned beans, ladles and can openers for Shawnee Community Services. Please bring items to the missions cabinet in Fellowship Hall.
We serve three times per year at The Hub Argentine in KC, KS doing literally whatever they need us to do- from painting to working in the garden to organizing clothes in the clothing closet. There is a separate sign up link for those dates as they approach.
Twice per year we glean a local field or orchard with After the Harvest, once in the summer and once in the fall. There is a volunteer waiver and sign up form for those events. 
We collect new toys & other needed items in October for the Johnson County Christmas Bureau and volunteer to serve at the JCCB's Holiday Shop in December.
 During the nine-day Holiday Shop many local companies, families, groups and individuals help to accomplish the needed Holiday Shop.
Each year it takes over 3,000 volunteers to assist the over 13,000 neighbors of Johnson County during the holiday season. We are neighbors helping neighbors!

Serve in Our Churches!

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

On Sunday mornings, many volunteers are needed to...
Work at the audio/visual booth
Read liturgy during the worship service
Host Fellowship Time
Care for children in the nursery
Help in Children's Sunday School
Safe Gatherings is required to work with children and youth and we'll help you get the proper training.
Let us know where you'd like to get plugged in!

Sign up to Serve!